Coming Forth by Day
Oh spirits
that guide a man through
the dark halls at death,
guide me safely in life
past sorrow and depression,
steer me from fear and anger
and hopelessness.
Let me always know the reason
for my becoming.
Let me hear what gods hear,
see what gods see.
When the sun is blotted from the sky,
let even a small light shine
to steer a man's feet.
Let me stand in light,
bathe in light, clothe myself in light.
Let me sit
in the lap of gods
and hear words of comfort.
Oh offerers
of cake and bearers of beer,
let me not starve for love,
or thirst for wisdom.
Let my spirit be stronger today
than it was yesterday,
my heart more gentle.
Let gods touch my face.
Let me go forth shining.
Let my feet know the way.
Let me walk and pass through fire.
Let wild beasts and thieves by the roadside
go on sleeping pleasant dreams.
Let me pass undeterred
into heaven.
Awaking Osiris
pg 62:2
Translation by Normandy Ellis
from the Egyptian Book of the Dead